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Clarify Your Plan & Live Better

With Massie Financial Planning

Discover How

Accelerating Clarity

For Those at Life’s Intersections

When it comes to life events, there are no two bigger events than finding yourself:

At the intersection of taking care of your family and your parents.

Leaving the workforce and getting ready for retirement.

FREE Guide that answers your question “How Can I Live Well Now and Be Prepared for an Amazing Retirement?” Gain clarity about how much you can spend now and still achieve all your retirement goals!

Click here for our FREE Guide

These situations require balanced thinking, big decision-making, and the right path forward. They may also bring on a wave of emotions, leaving you asking, “Will I be okay?” Because you may not know where to turn in these moments, you need objective advice that prioritizes your best interests - always.

That’s where we come in. Rooted in years of high-touch, high-value work with those in the “sandwich” generation and those retiring, our Washington, D.C.-based team helps you navigate the factors that dictate where you are and where you’re headed.

With Massie Financial Planning, You Can Expect a Group That Is:


No financial plan is reactive; each step requires proactive thinking and action. We stay ahead of the curve for you, so you don't have to look in the rearview


Each situation is unique and requires tailored advice and strategies. Yours requires truly personalized navigation and guidance.


We’re inspired by our client’s commitment to wanting to do the right thing for their families. Being a trusted guide and being there for the wins, triumphs and difficulties keeps us connected each day.

We Aim To Help You Navigate Life

Because There’s So Much More To Live

You’re dedicated to your career, your family and your passions, leaving little time to commit to your finances. We believe that by connecting with our team, you’ll continue to feel fulfilled while knowing that the complexities of your wealth are being handled.

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